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2024-05-23 10:15 20

[单选题]David like country life and has decided to()farming.

  Aget hold of

  Bget along with

  Cgo in for

  Dgo thorough


[单选题]Before writing your article,(),collect your material,and prepare an outline.

  Aa topic should be selected

  Ba topic to be selected

  Cyour topic should be selected

  Dselect a topic



[单选题]A Shelter for the Homeless Last summer I was a volunteer(志愿者)at a shelter for the homeless,a place for homeless people to sleep at night.I wasn't working that summer and was__21__only two classes in summer school,so I had some__22__time.

  Three nights a week,I__23__in the kitchen of the shelter along with four other volunteers.We planned and cooked for 45 people hot meals__24__vegetables,chicken,fish and fruit.The homeless people needed this good food because many of them usually didn't eat well.

  I__25__this volunteer work,making__26__with the four volunteers in the kitchen.One was a very nice elderly housewife,one a movie actor,another a young teacher,and the other a college student,__27__me.

  I talked to a lot of the homeless people at the shelter.Their life stories__28__me with sympathy(同情).Some of them had problems with alcohol(酒精)or drugs while others only had bad__29__.One woman worked for almost 30 years for a small company,and then she lost her job.She looked for a__30__job,but couldn't find one,for she was too__31__.She could do nothing but sell her furniture—sofas,chairs,and tables__32__she could pay for her food.The woman luck on job hunting,but she__33__couldn't find one.She had no money for her__34__and had to sleep in her car.Then she had to sell her car.Alone,afraid and__35__,she finally came to the shelter.









Brighton is a popular seaside town on the south coast of England. Not long ago, some policemen were very 21 .There had been several ,serious accidents 22 by motorists driving too fast. The police started to set up a speed trap (速度监视器). They measured 23 of 88 yards on a straight road and watched to see 24 a car took to 25 that far. They knew that if a car took six seconds ,it was traveling faster 26 the 27 limit of 30 miles an hour.

When the policemen were ready, they hid 28 a hedge (树篱) and started to time passing cars. During their first half an hour,they caught five drivers. The policemen wrote down the 29 of each car and the name and address of the driver. But for the next half an hour the policemen didn´ t see anybody 30 too fast. They thought that this was very 31 . One of them drove a quarter of a mile along the road and saw two students 32 on the grass. They were holding up a sheet of cupboard so that motorists could see it. On the notice one of the students 33:" Danger. Speed trap. "

The policemen took the notice away and wrote down the names of the students. Later on they were each fined £5 for 34 to stop the police catching motorists who were 35 the law.








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