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2024-06-20 14:27 10


Ⅲ.Cloze(15 points)

Directions:There are 15 blanks in the following passages.For each blank there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.You should choose the ONE answer that best completes the passage.

A pet is an animal that 26 in your house.Over half the families in North America own pets.The most popular 27 are dogs,fish and birds.Rabbits,hamsters(仓鼠)and turtles are also 28.Even some unpopular animals such as frogs,mice and snacks are pets.

People first 29 to keep pets about 12000 years ago.The first pet 30 a dog.The dog did not become a pet because people 31 it was cute.It became a pet because it was useful.People used the dog 32 many things.The dog warned people 33 danger so wild animals didn’t attack people.It also ate leftover food.Later,dogs helped people take care 34 cows and sheep on farms.

Cats did not 35 pets for a long time.When the Egyptians first started to grow grain,mice ate it.The Egyptians were 36 to tame(驯服)cats.

Today,people keep many 37 of pets.Animals such as canaries(金丝鸟),parrots,mice and hamsters live 38.They need people to bring them food and water and to keep their cages clean.Other animals,such as dogs and cats,need food and water,but they can take care of themselves 39.They are good pets for people because they don’t need 40 care.

26.A.lives B.stays C.sleeps D.plays

27.A.houses B.dogs C.pets D.families

28.A.wide B.narrow C.popular D.populous

29.A.begin B.started C.know D.hope

30.A.is B.was C.were D.had been


26-30 ACCBB


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