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2024-06-20 14:44 21


Questions 81 to 85 are based on the following passage:

China's 5000-meter Olympic Champion Wang Junxia is suffering from a serious condition brought on by stress and her heavy training schedule(日程),according to her coach.Wang was China's only athletic medalist in the Atlanta Olympic Games,winning gold in the women's 5000 meters and silver in the 10000 meters.

'Wang Junxia is suffering from serious neurasthenia(神经衰弱),which is causing her insomnia(失眠)and even making it painful for her to run.'Coach Wang Dezhen told reporters.In an interview with China's National Television Station CCTV,Wang said that her headaches come whenever she runs.Neurasthenia is a general term for a condition whose symptoms range(症状范围)from fatigue(疲劳)and anxiety to listlessness(倦怠无力).

'The condition has been brought on by her hard training schedule these past few years and she needs a good rest.'said Mao,who took over Wang's training when the long-distance star split with long-time coach Ma Junren in late 1994.

Wang is currently recuperating(复原)in Shenyang,capital of Liaoning province,but will join the rest of the provincial team in the southern city of Nanning for winter training in February,Mao said.

81.What following is the reason for which Wang Junxia suffers from a serious nervous condition?

A.poor health.

B.too much stress.

C.heavy training.

D.both B and C.

82.According to the passage,______.

A.she has stopped training

B.she has been training very hard

C.she has been a serious neurasthenia

D.she has been in poor health

83.Which of the following is right?

A.She got two gold medals in the Atlanta Olympic Games.

B.She is from Northeast of China.

C.She is now training in the southern city of Nanning.

D.She has been guided by Coach Mao Dezhen for five years.

84.The best title of the passage is ______.

A.Wang Needs a Good Rest

B.Wang’s Schedule Isn't Scientific

C.Wang Faces a Serious Problem of Neurasthenia

D.Coach Wang’s new Challenge

85.Where is the passage probably taken from?

A.A novel.

B.An ad.

C.A newspaper.

D.A magazine.







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